Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Nutrition Boxes

There is this new craze for subscription "boxes". The basics on them is for any particular category from running to make up to, well the latest I have seen is a shaving box for men, is that you pay normally $10-15 a month and they send you a box of goodies. So far I have tried 3 of these boxes that are runner focused.

The first one I tried was Stridebox which I liked at lot. For $10 every month they send you 6-8 nutrition items from Kind bars to GU's and hydration items like Skratch to Nuun and they also include a running gadget like a Kiltch Clip or Foot Rubz. The thing I didn't like was that twice I got charged for boxes I never received and once they ship for a particular month they won't go back and correct their mistake, they send you the next month's box when it's ready to ship. The first time I let the error go, the second time I requested a refund and canceled by subscription. After 6 months of using the service I got a few new gadgets and only ended up using 3-4 of the nutritional items and the rest ended up in a pile that I eventually took to a MRTT run in order to get rid of them before they expired.

The second one I tried was the Bulu Box. This isn't necessarily a box geared to runners, more to the gluten free crowd, which I am not. I had a free trial for it so I guess you could say I got my moneys worth from it. I think out of the 8 items I maybe used one and the rest ended up in the pile with other stuff from Stridebox.

My most recent box is the Kona Kase, I found a $5 off coupon for it so I figured I would give it a try. I was very surprised. First off it said I wouldn't receive my April box until the 15th-16th but it came on the first. Huge bonus. Next there are more items in the box that I will actually use and less that I will set aside for others to try. Below is this month's box.
As you can see there is a chocolate Stinger Waffle (yummy), a pack of Sports Beans, a GU, a Kind bar, a Nuun tablet, a Picky bar (gluten and dairy free) and a Questbar (of the protein variety). Value wise I could probably buy all these items separately for cheaper but because I will actually use most of the items in this box I am going to give my subscription another month's try. If you would like to try they, if you order thru this link you will save $5 on your first case  

*UPDATE, after a few months with KK, this happened:

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