Monday, April 14, 2014

Blue Bell Fun Run Recap

Over the past weekend I ran the Blue Bell Fun Run (10k). There are 4 race options, 1 miler for the kiddos, 5k walk for the family, 5k run, and the 10k. The race is put on by none other than Texas based Blue Bell Creamers and as such at the finish there is all the Blue Bell ice cream you can handle, the medal is even the shape of one of their ice cream tubs.This race is at the very least a one time must for all. First off it's a good value, I got in for $20. It's in Brenham, TX which was about an hour drive for me and I actually past the creamery on my way in. Parking and packet pick up on race morning were a breeze. The shirts were nice dry fit tech shirts. If I weer the RD the only thing I would do different is separation of the 10k and 5k once the two meet back up, it's no fun dodging walkers when you are at the point you just want to finish. The weather was a bit odd, 63 and 100% humidity which made for a warm races. I ran a GREAT 5k, too bad I signed up for the 10k. I pushed up the hills a bit faster than I know I should have but I felt much stronger than I have in past races going up hills. The past few months of focused hill training is finally paying off. As I hit the 5k mark, I back off a bit not really knowing what I had still in store for me and ran the second half as I should have the first, as a training run. The course is a good rolling 6 miles of hills and the last 1/2 mile or so is a great up hill climb allowing for the race to end fast in a downhill fashion. I finished in 1:13:54 which I feel is respectable since I average 1:14:30 for the 10k distance. I think I might do this one again next year as part of a double weekend with the Austin 1020. 
So far this month I am a bit disappointed with myself. I have only run 26 miles and it's already the 14th. With the weather changing it really is more important that I am out there acclimating to what summer is going to offer so I am going to stop sleeping in and get my feet back to the grind stone and make sure I get my mid-week runs in. Of course that will be starting tomorrow as I already bagged off today for a rest day. Going to try and get 15 miles in before Sunday's long run of 12. That should leave me sufficiently tired for the 25k in Brazos Bend in 2 weeks.
I still have no races for June but that could be just as well. I am intending on venturing out to Memorial Park for the Houston Marathon Committee's annual National Run Day celebration and Lottery Kick off party on June 4th and then again for on the 28th for their training kick off party. The lack of actual races will just give me plenty of time to focus on hot running before the Baytown Heatwave (5 miler on July 4th) and the Magnolia Hills 21k on July 12th.

Happy Running!

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