Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April Recap

Can't believe it's the end of April. I ended the month on a rest day. Not really needed but part of my schedule none the less. I have managed to keep pretty much on track since the middle of the month, logging my 2 week day runs, 2 strength training days and well really just the one long run (but hey, it was a 25k race so that counts double, maybe?). Ended the month on a mileage low of 61.5 total miles. The lowest amount I have ran during a month in, well a year, so maybe I was due. In fact April last year I only logged 52.5 miles and that was with effort, I am going to be delusional here and say that if I can log 60+ without having my heart in to it, I'm ok.

May is going to start out with a bang! I've go the Biggest Loser Half Marathon in Beaumont this coming weekend. So I don't stay skip it I roped my oldest daughter into r/w the 5k. I can't seem to motivate myself but if I can take someone else down with me...that'll work too. Problem is the rest of the month is pretty much open until the Texas City Fun (10k) the last weekend of the month. To keep things interesting I am going to swap a day of strength training for at least 30 minutes out on a bike, one morning a week is all I am asking of myself. A little change always does me good. 

Looking forward. I bit the bullet and bought a Groupon for a June half in Galveston. Being a Half Fanatic I just couldn't let a month go without a viable reason not to run my distance. A little thing like heat isn't going to get in my way. Well not until August anyways. Also looking forward in June to joining up with USA Fit Cypress and  getting my marathon training under way.

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