Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April Recap

Can't believe it's the end of April. I ended the month on a rest day. Not really needed but part of my schedule none the less. I have managed to keep pretty much on track since the middle of the month, logging my 2 week day runs, 2 strength training days and well really just the one long run (but hey, it was a 25k race so that counts double, maybe?). Ended the month on a mileage low of 61.5 total miles. The lowest amount I have ran during a month in, well a year, so maybe I was due. In fact April last year I only logged 52.5 miles and that was with effort, I am going to be delusional here and say that if I can log 60+ without having my heart in to it, I'm ok.

May is going to start out with a bang! I've go the Biggest Loser Half Marathon in Beaumont this coming weekend. So I don't stay skip it I roped my oldest daughter into r/w the 5k. I can't seem to motivate myself but if I can take someone else down with me...that'll work too. Problem is the rest of the month is pretty much open until the Texas City Fun (10k) the last weekend of the month. To keep things interesting I am going to swap a day of strength training for at least 30 minutes out on a bike, one morning a week is all I am asking of myself. A little change always does me good. 

Looking forward. I bit the bullet and bought a Groupon for a June half in Galveston. Being a Half Fanatic I just couldn't let a month go without a viable reason not to run my distance. A little thing like heat isn't going to get in my way. Well not until August anyways. Also looking forward in June to joining up with USA Fit Cypress and  getting my marathon training under way.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Brazos Bend Trails Race

I ran the Brazos Bend 50 over the weekend. They had 4 distances,  50 miles, 50k, 25k and 10k. I ran the 25k, my first time at a distance over the half. After pretty much taking the month of April off of running I doubt I should have been out there. Being under trained, in my eyes, is just as bad as running with an injury, neither of which I like to do. The heat and humidity are other factors I had not been training for running in so I felt doubly behind when starting the race. But on to the race...

5am and hitting the park I expected a line to enter the park but we were early enough to avoid it. Parking was no issue, the volunteers did a good job of directing cars and making sure all spots were full before direction people to the overflow areas which were close but still a good walk from the race finish line. The packet pick up went smooth. Not much in the way of swag but the t-shirt is really nice, not techy, but tech quality and not heavy, but soft and I got an XL for my husband but I think I might keep it for myself. I watched the 50 mile runners get started, right on time at 6, it's always a good sign to see inaugural races start on time. And it probably makes it easier when you are obviously working with experienced runners, who know what to expect and how to conduct themselves. On to 7 am and the start of the 50 and 25k's. The sun is starting to rise and you can actually see the trail ahead, we all gather and go, I actually cross the start just before 7 am, not many races start that on time.

From having run a half in the same park in February, I already knew what the trails here were like. Mostly large crushed gravel on dirt with some mud and paved spots. I was happy with reverse direction start from my previous race. In fact the first leg I knew was up and back and I kept waiting for a turn around spots and was surprised that the trail came back around without noticing it. At this point I was still around a pretty decent crowd of runners as I headed to the first aid station and as so the aid station was crowded. BUT the support at the aid station was great. The variety of options was overwhelming. The Houston Area Trail Runners  manned the aid stations and could not have done a better job. They were so kind and helpful making sure we all got what we needed, making sure every runner got taken care of. Heading out from here runners thinned out quite a bit.

The heat started to become an issue for me about mile 7. I found fresh pineapple at the second aid station, oranges would have been enough but pineapple as awesome. The 2 ladies here were really great, they tried to apologize for not having enough water but I think the ice was melting fast enough that they had more water than they thought. As I headed out from here there were a few runners in front of me but once I turned the bend I couldn't hear any behind me and after a bend or two I was alone for the first time. I was alone on a section I had run before but had not gotten to appreciate because of the rain last time. It was beautiful and getting warmer and I was steadily climbing up hill. Up until now I had been maintaining a 6:1 r/w and still doing pretty good for not having a long run all month. I rounded the camp grounds and hit the equestrian trail and then it happened, mile 10+ and I rolled my ankle in one of the horse ruts. I walked for a minuted and then switched to a 1:1 for pretty much the rest of the race. This had to be the longest section of race for me, those GD horse ruts went on for miles and miles with no end to them in sight and it's not like the were on one side of the path, but sides were equally torn up with no real smooth place to run on. I finally made it to the last aid station and these guys were so great, coming out to us, getting bottles asking what we wanted in them and making sure caps were tight and bottle were secured in belts and that everybody got some sort of nutrition item or real food before moving on down the trail. I was very thankful when the trail finally got back to gravel. From here I was able to start running more of a 2:1 but even that was on and off. 

I came to the end of this loop and noticed that if they moved the second aid station about 100 yards sooner runners could have hit it twice if they had needed to but where it was, was close enough that if someone went off course to get to it they would not have to back track too far. The miles ticked down and before I knew it was 14 and it dawned on me that I have now run further than I ever have and that little nugget got me to the finish. I finished kind of limping but still running @ 3:33:and change. Yeah me.

I got my medal and walked to the finish aid station and for the first time I was disappointed with the race. Other than the goodies at the aid station and a taco truck there was no after race food. BUT at this point in the race if that is my only complaint, that ain't half bad. 

Over all I am pretty happy with my run. Could I have been better prepared? Of course I could have, but then again you can't really plan for the heat you can only get use to it and I think this race was a good start for that for the summer. I think it was just what I needed to get of the runner's funk I have been sinking into. 3 days left in the month and I have logged just under 60 miles. Looking forward, I have the Biggest Loser Half Marathon next weekend. Until then Happy Running. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday

About a month ago I blogged about a friend of mine who had been diagnosed with cancer. Yesterday he died. This morning as dawn broke I went for a run. I ran out in the bayou behind the house. A little down the train I noticed the ruts from the dirt bikes and ATV's that people ride thru the bayou. I instantly thought about how he would have loved the ride, how he might have even enjoyed these trails. As I ran I thought of all the good times that we had together. About how close he was to our family. How as we grow up we adopt people into our family. I cursed God as to why he had to take him so young. I ran along for a bit and then told myself I was going to turn around when I hit 2 miles but it turns out I was already at 2 1/2, lost in my run. I kept going. When I finally came to a point where I could cross to the other side of the bayou and head back I noticed a bunny. And then another. How cute I thought and then I kept running. I came to another point where I could cross back shortening my run back home but I continued on the longer path. By mile 4 I noticed the sky, the sun had finally come up and the clouds were full but like bunched up cotton balls in the sky and I took a moment to thank God for the day he gave me. I'm not religious by any means but...but I couldn't help noticing all these bunnies I must have seen near 40 bunnies on the trails today. Baby bunnies, big bunnies, not too timid bunnies and it dawned on me that Easter was upon us and today was Good Friday. I couldn't help but get lost in the symbolism in that. And my thoughts then came full circle. We have parents here on Earth and just as God had called in own son home, he had called is son Jason home. For a  moment I felt the sun warm me. We are all God's children and when he is ready for us, when our purpose here is over, he calls us home. From that point in my run I never saw another bunny, I didn't even hear one rustling in the tall grass.

Happy Easter. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Blue Bell Fun Run Recap

Over the past weekend I ran the Blue Bell Fun Run (10k). There are 4 race options, 1 miler for the kiddos, 5k walk for the family, 5k run, and the 10k. The race is put on by none other than Texas based Blue Bell Creamers and as such at the finish there is all the Blue Bell ice cream you can handle, the medal is even the shape of one of their ice cream tubs.This race is at the very least a one time must for all. First off it's a good value, I got in for $20. It's in Brenham, TX which was about an hour drive for me and I actually past the creamery on my way in. Parking and packet pick up on race morning were a breeze. The shirts were nice dry fit tech shirts. If I weer the RD the only thing I would do different is separation of the 10k and 5k once the two meet back up, it's no fun dodging walkers when you are at the point you just want to finish. The weather was a bit odd, 63 and 100% humidity which made for a warm races. I ran a GREAT 5k, too bad I signed up for the 10k. I pushed up the hills a bit faster than I know I should have but I felt much stronger than I have in past races going up hills. The past few months of focused hill training is finally paying off. As I hit the 5k mark, I back off a bit not really knowing what I had still in store for me and ran the second half as I should have the first, as a training run. The course is a good rolling 6 miles of hills and the last 1/2 mile or so is a great up hill climb allowing for the race to end fast in a downhill fashion. I finished in 1:13:54 which I feel is respectable since I average 1:14:30 for the 10k distance. I think I might do this one again next year as part of a double weekend with the Austin 1020. 
So far this month I am a bit disappointed with myself. I have only run 26 miles and it's already the 14th. With the weather changing it really is more important that I am out there acclimating to what summer is going to offer so I am going to stop sleeping in and get my feet back to the grind stone and make sure I get my mid-week runs in. Of course that will be starting tomorrow as I already bagged off today for a rest day. Going to try and get 15 miles in before Sunday's long run of 12. That should leave me sufficiently tired for the 25k in Brazos Bend in 2 weeks.
I still have no races for June but that could be just as well. I am intending on venturing out to Memorial Park for the Houston Marathon Committee's annual National Run Day celebration and Lottery Kick off party on June 4th and then again for on the 28th for their training kick off party. The lack of actual races will just give me plenty of time to focus on hot running before the Baytown Heatwave (5 miler on July 4th) and the Magnolia Hills 21k on July 12th.

Happy Running!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Nutrition Boxes

There is this new craze for subscription "boxes". The basics on them is for any particular category from running to make up to, well the latest I have seen is a shaving box for men, is that you pay normally $10-15 a month and they send you a box of goodies. So far I have tried 3 of these boxes that are runner focused.

The first one I tried was Stridebox which I liked at lot. For $10 every month they send you 6-8 nutrition items from Kind bars to GU's and hydration items like Skratch to Nuun and they also include a running gadget like a Kiltch Clip or Foot Rubz. The thing I didn't like was that twice I got charged for boxes I never received and once they ship for a particular month they won't go back and correct their mistake, they send you the next month's box when it's ready to ship. The first time I let the error go, the second time I requested a refund and canceled by subscription. After 6 months of using the service I got a few new gadgets and only ended up using 3-4 of the nutritional items and the rest ended up in a pile that I eventually took to a MRTT run in order to get rid of them before they expired.

The second one I tried was the Bulu Box. This isn't necessarily a box geared to runners, more to the gluten free crowd, which I am not. I had a free trial for it so I guess you could say I got my moneys worth from it. I think out of the 8 items I maybe used one and the rest ended up in the pile with other stuff from Stridebox.

My most recent box is the Kona Kase, I found a $5 off coupon for it so I figured I would give it a try. I was very surprised. First off it said I wouldn't receive my April box until the 15th-16th but it came on the first. Huge bonus. Next there are more items in the box that I will actually use and less that I will set aside for others to try. Below is this month's box.
As you can see there is a chocolate Stinger Waffle (yummy), a pack of Sports Beans, a GU, a Kind bar, a Nuun tablet, a Picky bar (gluten and dairy free) and a Questbar (of the protein variety). Value wise I could probably buy all these items separately for cheaper but because I will actually use most of the items in this box I am going to give my subscription another month's try. If you would like to try they, if you order thru this link you will save $5 on your first case  

*UPDATE, after a few months with KK, this happened: