Thursday, June 6, 2013

National Run Day part 2

This time it really is about National Run Day.

Last year I went to the run day festivities held by the Houston marathon committee at Memorial Park and I thought, man it's too hot to run, how the hell are all these people surviving out here. I must have semi-ran about 1/4 mile and then turned around and walked back picked up a t-shit and drove home. What a HUGE difference 365 days can make. This year, I planned ahead. I made sure the hubs had money to order in, gave him plenty of notice that I was going to be late (I still have runners guilt about putting my evening run time over my family), apologized 20 times, gathered my oldest running shoes to donate to the recycling effort, ducked out of work early and headed out to the same venue for the same festivities as last year but this year I had way different results. My plan was to drop off the shoes and then run the loop, grab a shirt and fight traffic home. Pretty much the same plan as last year. Only difference is this year I think it was hotter out, oh and this year I actually did it. I started out at a 6/1 ratio, I finished with at a 1/1 due to the heat. Seems I am having problems adjusting to running in the cooler weather. My new mantra for the next few weeks is going to be "slow down, don't pass out". By the time I got to the turn on to Memorial dr I noticed something, I was really enjoying myself. There is a short cut that a few other runners took and I thought to myself "nope this time sweet heart you aren't taking the easy way" and I kept on keeping on. As I kept going I passed a few of those short-cutters and I said to myself cheaters never prospers and these fools just got lapped my slow ass self HA HA!! By the time I turned the next corner the heat got the best of me and that is when I dialed down the run/walk ration, as I did I noticed the mile marker "2". I had managed two miles in 93 degree heat in 25 minutes. WOW!! last year I ran 1/4 mile and quit. HOLY COW. This side of the trail is full sun so I am really thankful I changed the ratio, only problem was I didn't change my tempo, I should have and will work on it during the next few weeks. I ran past the point I quit at last year with pride for once I was proud of my running. I ran on to the festivities site where they had begun giving out t-shirt for this years race, it was decision time, you only get one shirt, for the race you are signing up for (or in my case entering the lottery for)  the guy says to those of us in the line "Marathoners here, you halfers over here" I really wanted to yell at him "HEY, were all marathoners, some of us just haven't crossed the finish line yet" but now wasn't the time for confrontation I had to choose full or half, half or full. Then Sheldon entered my mind and as he says, the cup is neither half full or half empty, when the liquid is removed it is replaced with air, therefore the cup is always full. So I grabbed a shirt for the half, it's the sensible decision, I obviously am not ready to do the full, but it is in me.

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