Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Houston Double

It's no secret that I haven't been running very long. I still find it hard to call myself a runner. A few years back I was in a car accident that tore apart my shoulder and neck. After 8 months of PT and steroids and surgical steroid injections. I came out of it it 30 pounds heavier. At damn near 200 pounds I decided to start walking. The walking lead me to a couch to 5k program. At which point I began the Galloway method of running intervals. It was June 2011 when I started, they said you need a goal. So I picked a 5k to run. The El Paso (the Oil and Gas company not city) 5k which was in January 2012. Come September I was "running" 5 miles during my long run on the weekends so I thought I should try this 5k stuff sooner. So I signed up for the Health Museums Run for Your Life 5k. I did good, I finished under 36 minutes which for me seemed like a miracle. That day a vendor was giving out free entry into this Energizer Night race on 11-11-11, an 11k. So I figured why the fuck not. By the time my OFFICIAL first 5k came around I was proud to say it wasn't my first. But something happened that morning. As I stood on the start line looking ahead at the runners who were running the Houston full and half, I was inspired some day I would be among them. The next year I entered the lottery for the half and did not get chosen. I was so bummed out.I kept on running but this goal to be in the Aramco kept haunting me. I am not sure why. It can't be the distance, I have run 3 halfs now and before the 2014 I will run at least 3 more and maybe a 25k if I have guts enough to do it. I guess it's just about the "getting in" aspect. No one wants to be left out and being told you CAN'T do something I guess makes me want to do it even more. I am happy to say that this year I got in! I even registered for the double since next year, most of my goal races are doubles, even some are back to back.

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