Saturday, March 5, 2016

The Woodlands Half Marathon

I actually ran two races this past weekend. I headed up to The Woodlands for their marathon weekend. Friday night there is was family 2k run/walk. It started at the marathon start and finished at the marathon finish line and was really kind of a hoot. I conned my husband into joining me for it and we mostly walked but he actually did a little running with me. For such a small distance I was surprised at the fact that there were t-shirts and medals involved, and I do mean real medals. 

With my back still not quite 100% I had come up with a plan for to run the half, run for the first 6 miles and the walk to the finish. I had done a few test runs using a 1:1 interval so I stuck with that and had hoped to finish in about 2:50.
At the start I ended up behind the 2:45 pacers. Kind of a blessing. These two girls were fantastic. Plan A immediately went out the window. I decided as long as I stayed close to them, even tho I probably would have run passed them early on with all that start of race adrenaline, I didn't. I'm glad I didn't just blow my plan and go all out, it would have been so easy to do. The weather was perfect, 50 degrees with a slight breeze. The course, although it was quite hilly was more than manageable and beautiful. The streets were lined with large trees on both sides until the final mile. It isn't one of those courses with tons of turns, just a few and long stretches of open road. The aid stations were great! Every mile and a half as advertised, well manned with cheering volunteers and fully stocked. By mile 8 I was still feeling really good, I was still right behind the pacers. By mile 11 I was questioning if I should stop and walk for a mile and then run the last mile, but I didn't. At mile 12 I realized course had rounded back to where the startline was. It was starting to warm up, but what ever I was going to finish my first half for the year. I lost sight of the pacers but oh well. I finished in 2:46:05. That's only about 2 minutes slower than my road half average time. 

Big round of applause to the management of The Woodlands Marathon, they put on a really great race. This may not be an every year race but it is definitely worth a repeat. 

Coming up I'm heading back to Seabrook for the Lucky Trails race weekend. Saturday and Sunday Half Marathons. 

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