Tuesday, February 3, 2015

USA FIT Sugarland Marathon

Yes that's right marathon #2 for 2015 already!

First off after training with USA Fit Cypress for most of 2014 I have to be honest and say that signing up for this race was a no brainier. Seriously. Everything you are about to read is totally bias.

Since I just ran the Louisiana Marathon 2 weeks ago I decided to not shoot myself in the foot time wise and switched to the early start for this race. How early is early? How about 4:30 am early. But since I was looking at a 6 hour finish it was warranted. I expected a no frills start and I didn't expect as many people there as there was, maybe around 100. We got the full start line treatment, National Anthem and all! 

Having read previous reviews of the race I knew we were on our own until about 6 miles in. Which was ok for the first loop. The sun was still hours away and it was warm than usual but we had a real funky fog keeping things cool so by the time I got to the first set up water stop at mile 4.5 I was still ok. I would like to give a big shout out here to the crew at this stop, these were my peoples. So many runners and family members of the USA Fit Cypress group came out and put together a really AWESOME aid station. They seriously had the best energy and much needed encouragement, not just for me but for all the runners out there. My hats off to them. Volunteers really can make or break (as I will get to later) a race and this group, as well as the others out there really did amazing! So a HUGE THANK YOU to all the volunteers out there on Sunday.

The first loop up until I ran into the 5k turn around was great. I don't think the 5k group realized that they might encounter marathon runners while they were on the course. Those who did get in my way seemed quite startled by not only me but the few runners I was grouped up with. At this point had I known what had happened to the 1st water station I would have stocked up on water before I came to the end of my first loop but I didn't so....So miles 12 1/2 to about 16 were without support. The thing is someone put the supplies out for the aid station but the group that was manning it never set it up so as things were getting hotter and the sun came up there was a long stretch without any water. Next thing I knew I was out of water but still had my Tailwind but at mile 15 I needed to GU and for me it doesn't mix well with Tailwind so here is where my day went to shit. 
I was still doing better that day than I was in Louisiana. I hit 15 miles in 3:15 and still had no leg cramps. As I continued I finally reached an aid station refilled all my bottles. About mile 17 is when the problems started. My legs began to cramp, I popped two Motrin and continued on...on to rumblings of Tailwind and GU hitting my stomach. It's all a blur from there. I tried to hit some port-a-potties but another thing this race lacked was toilet paper. I had to skip two set because there was no toilet paper in either of them. I stuck the mantra "Don't poop your pants" in my head and kept at a  good pace until I hit the last set of port-a-potties. I think I lost about 4 minutes there. I did  manage to make it to the 25 mile marker and then ran in short bursts to the finish. Finishing my second marathon in 5:54:57. 

Injuries, other than my pride, I now have 2 hurt toes. My little toe on the right foot has a huge blister on top of the blister it got in Baton Rouge. And the toe next to it, which I call my mushy toe since I mangled it in Seabrook last March, the same one I thought I broke when I dropped a 3lb weight on it a few months ago, is back to being nothing more than a mushy hurt mess. Other than that so far so good. The 2015 goal of making it to the end of March on two feet is still in the works.

Things I learn this go round. Don't take GU's with Tailwind. I already knew this lesson and should have stuck to it. Stick to the plan, as in the reason I run with water and Tailwind is so I don't take GU's with the Tailwind. I am not sure if the Morin at mile 17 worked or if my GI issues kept my mind off how my legs felt but it is something I am going to keep in my race pouch for Little Rock, that and some chewable pepto. I am thinking about switching to PowerGels since I have had better luck with them mixing with Tailwind. I am going to use February training to see if this works.

Up next just a few races for February, the Katy 5k (I am also volunteering at) 2/7/15 and the Rhythm and Blues Half 2/15/15. This will be my first half marathon for the year. Then of course 2 weeks after that is the Little Rock Marathon.

And to top my weekend off I am anxiously awaiting my Marathon Maniac number. 2 races in 15 days. I am proudly adding Maniac/Fanatic Double Agent to my running resume.

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