Monday, October 21, 2013

Connect to C.A.R 10k

Once I figured out which way my training was going to go, 11, 12, 6, then taper for the Houston Half Marathon on 10/27, I decided that I would look for a 10k for the 6 miles, so I didn't just skip them altogether. What I found was a small race supporting a local church's mission to help fund a clinic in Africa. I normally don't like to do church races, I am not really one for church in general. It's not that I object to religion I just don't believe in a God that takes attendance. Anyways, as it turns out this is a church that had been part of a W.I.C. like federal food program that we had taken part of years ago so this race was a small way for me to "pay it forward" or bring things "full-circle" for me so I signed up. I am really glad I did. There were less than 200 people registered for the 3 "races" total and only 29 for their 10k. Nice small field makes for a friendlier race. The race was on part of the Cinco Ranch Nature trails so about half was running along side the bayou. It was a perfect day for running, the weather has finally turned from Hot as Hades to maybe it's fall. It was in the 50's with a nice breeze so of course I went out too fast. Small race field means there is more of a chance for people to notice you are last so I kept up with the other two people who were ahead of me for the first 1/2 mile and then the chic had to start walking and her boyfriend being a gentleman stayed with her I am guessing for the first loop and maybe about a mile into the second loop. I normally don't mind a double loop course, however they started the 5k about 10 later than the 10k and about mile 2 the first 5kers started lapping me, then it became about keeping ahead of the 5k stroller pushers, then it just became about getting to the beginning of the second loop so I could stop feeling bad about myself. As I started that second loop I found my groove at 11m/m which is awesome for me. I wasn't sure how long I could maintain that or IF I should be maintain that pace since a bigger race day is upon me. BUT fuck it it felt good and I wasn't going too far out of my boundaries it was only going to be a few more miles. That's about when the last dude passed me. Then I passed him. Then we hit the water stations and both walked. Then we cat and moused to the finish. Official race time 1:16:34, only here's the rub, 6.61 miles. Yep that's right, the race was almost 1/2 mile long. So what I'll take it!
Total for the day 7.73, for the week, mind you I am "tapering" 32.1. Next week race recap for the Houston Half Marathon. WWWWOOOOOO WWWWWHOOOOO!

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