Monday, October 28, 2013

Houston Half Marathon and Relay

WOW, all I can say is WOW what a race day it was. First off I woke in a panic at 3:36 am thinking I had over slept my alarm and that I had missed my race. After a few moments of deep breathing I fell back into a semi-sleep. At about 4:15 I was woken again by the dog's scratching, so I got up for good. I unplugged my laptop and crept into the bathroom to check the weather. Just as predicted a storm was coming in and after all my careful race day planning I did not pack one thing that would have been useful in the rain, ok one my visor. After a bit of nervous pacing I left about 15 minutes early in hopes that I would get to the race site before the rain. So glad I left when I did. The line for parking was already really long and winding around the block but thankfully it was free and close to the park. It was just already really crowed so I did what comes naturally, I headed to the port-a-potties, there were already 10 lines making their way across the street, and it's now starting to sprinkle, so I chose one close to the trees. Trees make great umbrellas. I finally get thru the line and back under the tree and then shit happens. Bright flashes of light and booming thunder...bad sign. After a few close by lightening strikes the race director made the announcement that the race would be delayed 1 hour and that everyone should take shelter some place safe until then. So I made a break for it and ran back to my car. Except I hadn't paid that much attention to where I had parked so I just followed a trail of runners into the underground parking garages figuring at least there it would be dry and warm as it turns out. It's was really warm in there. I find my car and take out my yoga mat and take off my shoes and find them full of ants. I assume under that lofty oak I was standing in an ant hill. Blessing in disguise. I only got one bite and it was on my hand after one little sucker got away from me. I rang out my socks and had a bit of chit chat with the guy in the car next to me, who incidentally I came across once again as he passed me somewhere around mile 9. So I get to that point where I just can't handle waiting. I get laced back up, change my shirt and head back up to the surface. It's still raining. I head back to the race start and figure that a little warm up now is better than never. I head down the block and turn up towards the first water stop and get shouts of encouragement from the 2 guys left manning it. What good souls to be out there still getting things ready. As I come back around I hear the announcer "15 to start, we are starting right at 8 am, runners get ready, we are a go" YEA!! So I am warm and ready and I am heading to the scrub. I cross under the start balloon and keep on going. Trying to get far enough back that I do not end up in peoples way. The most amazing thing happened as our National Anthem was being sung you could hear all the runners softly singing along. Normally at races I can only kind of hear it being played, mostly b/c I am so far back and the chattering doesn't quite stop long enough for everybody to hear but on this rain soaked morning everyone hushed and joined in. It is by far one of the best reason to live in this state. You want to see patriotism, Texas leads this country in it. It's something about the pride in this state that I have never seem elsewhere. Then before you knew it the race had started. My Garmin was pretty much worthless the first few miles, the buildings downtown do not make for the best reception, it even clocked me at a 37 second mile pace. Once I got back out on to Allen Parkway I knew I would need to slow down or not be able to finish at all. I hit the first of the underpasses and slowed back to my intended race pace of 12:30. This is just a training run after all, the first of 3 until the end of the year. Once I turned out on to  Memorial when this leveled off a bit I started to pick up trying to keep about a 12m/m pace. Before long it hardly seems like my 8:30 m/intervals were anything at all, before I knew it I was walking again. I grabbed a few PowerGels as they were handing them out at the water stops but I stuck to what I had packed not knowing what something knew would do to me. I brought home 6 in total and 4 PowerBars, nutrition wise I am now stocked up for at least a month of long runs. At mile 8 I started making note with my pace card. I was about 2 minutes up, giving me an decent buffer if I choose to take an extra walk. The turn around brings you back on the downhill until you get back to those 2 underpasses on Allen drive which are right before the finish. I have to admit I was hurting by now. There is a guy in town who runs carrying the American Flag, he caught up to me and began shouting encouragement to everyone. "Come on now 1/2 mile to go, You got this, no DNF from here" I got to say it helped. I took one extra walk break before the finish and then ran it in. I think what I learned from this race is that you can physically prepare all you want, if you don't mentally prepare you will not get anywhere. This is my first half marathon that I brought everything with me and I left it all out there. All parts of me were in on the work and mind, body and soul crossed that finish line.Official time 2:41:26, goal time 2:43:52. I took 3:45 off my April PR time.
HHM Finisher Medal
Things I can't tell you about the race...when it stopped raining. The rain became such a non-issue once I started running that other than having to wipe the drips off my elbows once-in-a-while and off my hat I hardly noticed I was getting wet. But let's face it, that elbow thing happens on hot runs too so not much from the norm there. Not sure what the finish food was, the party was on a grass knoll and the food was at the bottom and there was nothing but mud between me and the tent so I skipped it.

Today I feel good. My toes are a bit sore from sloshing around in my shoes but other than that nothing a little yoga and a light walk this morning didn't work out.

October mileage so far 88.89/100 with 3 days to go to hit the goal. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Connect to C.A.R 10k

Once I figured out which way my training was going to go, 11, 12, 6, then taper for the Houston Half Marathon on 10/27, I decided that I would look for a 10k for the 6 miles, so I didn't just skip them altogether. What I found was a small race supporting a local church's mission to help fund a clinic in Africa. I normally don't like to do church races, I am not really one for church in general. It's not that I object to religion I just don't believe in a God that takes attendance. Anyways, as it turns out this is a church that had been part of a W.I.C. like federal food program that we had taken part of years ago so this race was a small way for me to "pay it forward" or bring things "full-circle" for me so I signed up. I am really glad I did. There were less than 200 people registered for the 3 "races" total and only 29 for their 10k. Nice small field makes for a friendlier race. The race was on part of the Cinco Ranch Nature trails so about half was running along side the bayou. It was a perfect day for running, the weather has finally turned from Hot as Hades to maybe it's fall. It was in the 50's with a nice breeze so of course I went out too fast. Small race field means there is more of a chance for people to notice you are last so I kept up with the other two people who were ahead of me for the first 1/2 mile and then the chic had to start walking and her boyfriend being a gentleman stayed with her I am guessing for the first loop and maybe about a mile into the second loop. I normally don't mind a double loop course, however they started the 5k about 10 later than the 10k and about mile 2 the first 5kers started lapping me, then it became about keeping ahead of the 5k stroller pushers, then it just became about getting to the beginning of the second loop so I could stop feeling bad about myself. As I started that second loop I found my groove at 11m/m which is awesome for me. I wasn't sure how long I could maintain that or IF I should be maintain that pace since a bigger race day is upon me. BUT fuck it it felt good and I wasn't going too far out of my boundaries it was only going to be a few more miles. That's about when the last dude passed me. Then I passed him. Then we hit the water stations and both walked. Then we cat and moused to the finish. Official race time 1:16:34, only here's the rub, 6.61 miles. Yep that's right, the race was almost 1/2 mile long. So what I'll take it!
Total for the day 7.73, for the week, mind you I am "tapering" 32.1. Next week race recap for the Houston Half Marathon. WWWWOOOOOO WWWWWHOOOOO!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Last Long Run

Woke up this morning to a storm overhead and 12 miles to get under my feet. What to do, what to do. GET WET! I got dressed, laced up and strapped on my fuel belt, walked out the door and caught a flicker of lightening. FUCK! thunder. I opened the gate and hit my Garmin. Well, a few miles in the hood to see where the storm is heading. Mile 1 a little more lightening but still no thunder, the storm wasn't that close. I decide to run my normal weekday route a bit for good measure, the more down in the hood the closer I can stay to the house in case things get bad. Mile 2.5 decision time put my big girl panties on or go home. I head to the Farm to Market road so I can really get a feel for what's up with the storm. More lightening off in the distance and behind me. Looked like two cells converging right over my head. How far to go? There is a Stripes on Greenhouse, if  have to stop I can wait things out there. I get to Greenhouse 4 miles down, 8 to go. Fuck it, make the turn head south for a 1/2 mile and then bring it back up, anything to not have to run to Wal-mart. Weather is holding, but wait is that rain I feel on the back of my legs, nope, just my water bottle leaking on me. I keep going, there is a Shell at Fry I can wait things out there if I need to. By the time I get to Fry the lightening calms down but it now starts to rain, 6.25 miles. I turn around and head towards Wal-mart. Mile 7 the sun is coming up. Not that I can actually see the sun rise, but the storm clouds have now turned pink. Runners talk of many things, my favorite is watching the sun rise with a well earn bead of sweat on my brow. For me the only thing more beautiful than the pink sky is the amazing light show that has started up again in the distance. The rain in falling faster now. Mile 7.4 back at Greenhouse this time I head north until I hit mile 8, then turn back to my familiar route. Dead cat mile 9.25 (normally my mile 5 marker) heading to Barker Cypress at this point stopping is not a option. I came to the realization that no matter what happened this morning I was going to go home soaked. It was either going to be rain or sweat. I hit Barker 9.75 watching my watch, I no longer am worried about my pace, I am worried about where the fuck am I going to turn around at. I know when I get back to this point I have a mile left to get home, so how far do I need to go to get my miles in. I start checking the distance between the telephone poles, turns out they are .03 miles apart. I keep pounding away. I hit the light at Queenston and I stop to let the light change. What's the difference between joggers and runners? When joggers wait at stop lights they keep moving, runners stop and stand there with a pissed look on their face. I was pissed alright, I over shot my run. I double crossed and headed back to the Exxon. I passed the Wafflehouse and noticed my shoes were sloshing. The rain was now beginning to puddle in the bike lane. My timer goes off, I grab my water bottle is empty, I reach the other one, it's out too. The next .25 mile I spend debating gateraid or orange juice, gateraid or oj? I finally reach the Exxon, the people are funny. The normal guy isn't working so the fat frog like girl gives me crap about dripping all over the store. WTF it's raining. OJ it is and I head around back to the secret path back into the hood. Mile 11.75 - 1/4 mile to go. Almost too easy. I keep going I hit the park and come to a dead stop. 12.28 total run at 13 m/m with 15:1 ratio. Not bad I que up my watch to capture the walk home. .38 mile which took me over 8 minutes, oh my I was tired.
Next week 10k race, week after Houston Half. Oh my here we go!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

HEADLAMPS - only running geeks need to read this

OMG have I got a product review for you all! I have been running my long runs using a POS Energizer 3 led head light for almost a year. Lost it and had to run without a light last week so I crossed my fingers and ordered a new one. HOLY COW what a difference. I got a Petzl Tikkina 2 and it is AWESOME! First off it's twice as bright on it's highest setting, on low it is as bright as the Energizer one is on high. The head band is soft, but I assume the other one was when it was new. The light swivels downwards, so does the old one but this one "ratchets" into place, the other one would slowly move forward as I ran. The best part is that it doesn't dig into my head after wearing it for a long period. I hardly realized I still had it on. The Energizer one would start digging into my head (even thru a hat) about 3 miles down the road.