Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Aramco Houston Half Marathon

High point of the race, that the half portion of Allen Pkwy was after the dreaded under passes. No I'm kidding there were many high points. The spectators out there cheering people on was first rate. Houston really has the southern hospitality thing down.

Aramco Half Marathon Bib
Low part of the race. Not sure what mile(s) it happened but I either skipped a walk or shortened a run interval and lost my tempo for a few miles to come. I made it back in time to finish the last 2 miles mainly up hill which made me feel strong about how I finished.

Came in at 2:41:08 not my fastest, far from my slowest, but it was a good time.

ABB 5k Bib and Medal
What marathon weekend would be complete with out a challenge.The Houston series also has the ABB 5k the day before the big races. This year I ran it with my oldest daughter.
Below is the bonus medal I earned from doing both races along with my medal from the Aramco Half. 

Half and Double Medals. 

Coming up is the Brazos Bend Keep on Truckin' Trail Half Marathon on Feb 2nd. I have not done much true trail running but I did pick up some trail shoes and for my recovery run on Monday I did 4 in the bayou with them. Looking forward to a slower more peaceful race. 66.21 miles so far in January.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The need to run them ALL

I think in the beginning I had this overwhelming need to run all the races I could. My first race was a small museum funding raiser in October of 2011. I remember training for it as hard as I have been training for this series of half marathons I have been working on. It just so happened that Energizer was trying to get people to sign up for their 11-11-11 11k and they were giving away entries for free. All of a sudden I went from 3 miles to just under 7 and haven't looked back. Since then I have run 50 or so races and who knows how many more if you include virtuals. I am finally thinking this has got to stop. How many races are too many races? And it doesn't look like 2014 is going to be any slower, so far this is my schedule for the year:

Jan 18, ABB 5k - Downtown H-town (1st in double) w/ Clairissa
Jan 19, Aramco Half - Downtown H-town (2nd in double)

Feb 1, MRTT 10k
Feb 2, Brazos Bend Keep on Truckin' Trail Race, Half Marathon, Needville Tx
Feb 16, Run the Line Half marathon Texarakana TX and AR
Feb 22, Buffalo Wallow 6k, Spotts Park Houston

Mar 8, Bayou City Classic, Downtown Houston
Mar 15 & 16 Seabrook Marathon Weekend Pelican Challenge
Mar 29, Bellaire Trolley Run 5k, Bellaire City Hall

April 12 Blue Bell 10k, Brenham TX

May 31, Texas City Run Fest 10k, Texas City Dyke

July 4, Baytown Heatwave 5 miler, Baytown Tx

and that's just the first half of the year. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year Running Goals

Here they are in black and white so you all can help me keep accountable.

1. Be more of a social runner. This is going to be a hard one for me since it is always easier to roll out of bed and do my miles before I get a chance to think about what I am doing. To achieve this goal I plan on running either with one of the free weekly runs throughout Houston or to join the MRTT group on the weekend for a long run. Plan is to step out of the route box and break open my runners shell to let the runner in me out for a bit. Races will not count towards this goal. No double dipping. Goal is set at the very least once per month, 12 times in 2014.

2. I am going to get my family involved more. Whether it's just getting them out in the evening for a mile or two, it's time I stop riding this train on my own. My husband has already voiced that he would be willing to volunteer at races that I run so I think I am going to take him up on that. I am also going to try and get my oldest daughter to run a 5k with me each quarter, starting in January I have already signed her up to run the ABB 5k with me.

3. In the off season I am going to work towards an 8 mile base. I did pretty well this year keeping a good six base during the slower, hotter season, time to step that up a notch. 

4. THE MARATHON - just have to pick one and a training plan and a group to train with. I am torn between 3 races, BCS, Houston and the Louisiana Marathon. I might need to find my big girl panites to get this one done.

5. Quality of races vs. quantity of races. There are a few races I enjoy and will run again but this whole 2 races a month come hell or high water shit is going to stop. If there is no race of value in the month I need to learn that is ok.

6. Starting a race fund to fund 2015 and then sticking to only using those dollars to race with.